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Volvo Cars Hong Kong has been maintaining a strong and fruitful partnership with Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC). Our collaboration extends to consistent sponsorship of sailing events in Asia and Hong Kong, as well as supporting local water sports training initiatives. As a delightful addition this year, we are thrilled to introduce exclusive benefits tailored for RHKYC members, allowing you to embark on this cleaner and smarter electrifying journey with Volvo.

Register to receive your exclusive privileges now!


  • $10,000 free spending credit at RHKYC

  • FREE 1st year insurance*

  • FREE checking service^ (silver) x2

  • Interest rebate of $9,990#

Volvo Cars Hong Kong一直與香港遊艇會(RHKYC)保持緊密的合作夥伴關係,包括持續贊助亞洲及香港地區帆船賽事與本地水上運動訓練,今年更首度推出會員專屬優惠,讓您以更充足的準備,更全面的配套去啟動Volvo 綠色駕駛體驗!



  • 價值HK$10,000 的香港遊艇會 (RHKYC) 免費消費額度

  • 首年保險免費*

  • 兩次免費車輛檢查服務^(銀級)

  • 利息回贈HK$ 9,990 #

Terms & Conditions:
*Free insurance is provided based on a 60% No Claim Discount and must be obtained through the designated insurance company.

^Necessary to utilize and register for relevant services during the coverage period and excluding the replacement of consumable items.

# Loan amount must be HK$200,000 or above, and the loan term should be 2 years or longer.


  1. The eligible member must be a Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (the “RHKYC”) member in order to enjoy the Purchasing Offer (the “Offer”).

  2. To enjoy the Offer, the RHKYC members must submit the subscription via the designated platform by 30 June 2025 (the “Closing Date”).

  3. Each membership account of eligible RHKYC member is entitled to enjoy the Offer once.

  4. The spending credit (the Credit”)of HK$10,000 will be credited to corresponding RHKYC membership account, and the next spending will be deduced the Credit in advanced.

  5. The Offer is not convertible to cash.

  6. The Credit is to be credited to your membership account within 14 working days after the vehicle delivery.

  7. Wearnes Motors (HK) Limited reserves all the rights to make final decisions regarding this Offer.

* 免費保險是基於60%無索償折扣提供的,必須通過指定的保險公司獲取。

^ 在保險期間必須使用並註冊相關服務,不包括更換耗材。

# 貸款金額必須為HK$200,000或以上,貸款期限應為2年或更長。

  1. 符合資格的會員必須是香港遊艇會(以下簡稱“RHKYC”)的會員,才能享受購車優惠(以下簡稱“優惠”)。

  2. 為了享受此優惠,RHKYC會員必須在2025年6月30日(以下簡稱“截止日期”)之前通過指定平台提交訂閱。

  3. 符合資格的RHKYC會員的每個會籍帳戶只有一次享受此優惠的機會。

  4. HK$10,000的消費額度(以下簡稱“額度”)將存入相應的RHKYC會籍帳戶,下一筆消費將提前扣除額度。

  5. 此優惠不可兌換為現金。

  6. 額度將在車輛交付後的14個工作日內存入您的會籍帳戶。

  7. 維信汽車(香港)有限公司對於此優惠保留最終決定權。

Register Now 

​Know more about the exclusive offer 

*必須填寫 Required

Interested Model 興趣車款

We are committed to protecting your personal data. The personal data collected in this form is protected under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Volvo Cars Hong Kong will only use your personal data for direct marketing purposes related to specified products and services. We may provide and/or share personal data with our third-party service providers, agents, and contractors for the aforementioned purposes. If you need to update or modify the personal data you have provided, or exercise your rights under the applicable Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, please call 2927 3388. 我們致力保護你的個人資料。此表格所收集的個人資料是依據香港特別行政區之《個人資料(私隱)條例》而受到保障。Volvo Cars Hong Kong只會使用你的個人資料作直接促銷指定產品及服務用途,我們可能提供及/或分享個人資料予我們的第三方服務供應商、代理及承包商為我們作上述用途。如需更新或修改你所提供的個人資料,或行使適用的《個人資料(私隱)條例》之權利,請致電2927 3388 。

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